Public Information

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Rachel Reeves, the UK’s Shadow Chancellor, has recently pledged a planning revolution aimed at accelerating the housebuilding process. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to tackle the country’s housing crisis by making it easier and quicker to build new homes. Reeves has highlighted the inefficiencies and delays within the current planning system, which often hinders the timely development of housing projects. By proposing streamlined procedures and more robust planning policies, she intends to reduce bureaucratic obstacles and ensure that new homes can be constructed faster. This planning revolution is expected to not only boost the housing supply but also create jobs and stimulate economic growth.

Reeves’ commitment to this planning overhaul includes measures to enhance cooperation between local authorities and developers, ensuring that the approval process for new housing projects is both swift and transparent. She advocates for the adoption of modern technology and data-driven approaches to planning, which can help in identifying suitable sites and expediting decision-making. Moreover, Reeves emphasizes the importance of sustainable and affordable housing, proposing incentives for green building practices and affordable housing developments. By prioritizing these aspects, her planning revolution aims to address the immediate housing shortage while also considering long-term environmental and social impacts.

This is why you should be a speculative investor in land now in 2024

Public Information

Why Sell In Auction?

Selling a property at auction can be a highly effective strategy for several compelling reasons. Firstly, auctions create a sense of urgency among buyers, which can lead to competitive bidding and potentially higher sale prices. This competitive atmosphere is fuelled by the limited time frame of an auction, often resulting in buyers making quicker, more decisive offers. Additionally, auctions attract serious buyers who are ready to act quickly, reducing the time a property spends on the market. This expedited process can be particularly advantageous for sellers needing to liquidate assets swiftly, avoiding the prolonged negotiations often associated with traditional sales.

Secondly, auctions provide a transparent and straightforward selling process. All interested buyers gather at the same time, and the property is sold to the highest bidder, which eliminates the back-and-forth of private negotiations and ensures a fair market value. This transparency can build trust and confidence among buyers, knowing they have an equal opportunity to purchase the property. Furthermore, the auction method can be an excellent way to sell unique or hard-to-value properties, as the market ultimately determines the price. With professional auctioneers handling the sale, sellers benefit from their expertise in marketing and managing the auction event, ensuring a smooth and efficient transaction.

If you have a property that you would like to sell in auction please get in touch.

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